Monday, April 14, 2008

Just the beginning of Dental work

Today I took Hannah and Abe to the dentist. It was the first time ever. Honestly, I just didn't dare take them before now. I thought they would freak out and how would I manage 2 panicking toddlers? So, I'm not sure why I decided now would be a good time taking a new baby and 2 kids. But amazingly enough, both Hannah and Abe did SUPER!!! They couldn't have been better, I'll tell ya.

The results from the dentist were not quite as splendid. Hannah had 3 cavities (yikes!) and Abe had one very visible one. When Abe started teething, we noticed one of his bottom teeth seemed big - and yep, it's a double-wide fused tooth. He needs to have the crevices in that tooth filled because it's more prone to cavities.

And the x-rays showed that Abe is missing 7 permanent teeth. Yes - SEVEN! I was quite baffled talking to the dentist. He said to be sure to get really good dental insurance in the future and put money in FLEX to pay for all the dental work he will need. wah-wah! He is missing 4 molars and 3 bottom front teeth. I'm hoping that they just didn't show up on the x-rays due to his young age, but I guess we'll see.

So that is our experience at the dentist. The kids did great. The dentist was very nice. I was so glad we went to a pediatric dentist. They made it so fun for the kids. They got to watch movies while they cleaned their teeth. Both of the kids took a stuffed animal and hugged it the whole time.

Sooooo - walah! First Dental Appointment - Check!


Marne said...

Yay for Hannah and Abe! It actually took my boys a couple of first visits before they were good to go. Luckily we have had no cavities yet.

I have a friend here who's 2nd son was missing four front teeth and four bottom teeth, permenant ones. She had the same problem growing up (she is actually from Rexburg...Amy (Thueson) Carter) she said it is genetic. Interesting, huh? Good luck with all that...I am high dental maintainence...hopefully my kids won't be.

Amy D. said...

Bummer about Abe's future dental of those just happen to know about it ahead of time! But that is totally awesome that the kids did so well and that the peds dentist office was so kid friendly. Way cool.

Jan said...

Ohh, I haven't taken my kids to the dentist either, for the same reasons. Now I am even more scared after hearing about your ordeal. Cavities and missing teeth, great.

Jan said...

Ohh, I haven't taken my kids to the dentist either, for the same reasons. Now I am even more scared after hearing about your ordeal. Cavities and missing teeth, great.

Alison said...

Great job, I still need to take my kids to the dentist (I feel so guilty they haven't been yet.) Good luck with Abe's dental work, we'll be crossing our fingers they just weren't showing but they're in there somewhere!

Kristi said...

Sorry your dental experience wasn't great. I hate taking my kids to the dentist because we almost always end up with at least $500 worth of work to do. (we don't have any dental insurance right now.)Ainsley already has 2 crowns. And I brush her teeth for her but it doesn't seem to matter. I don't know what to do for her. Anyway, I hope Abe's teeth show up.