Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fresh Air

Something has to be said about fresh air.

For years I haven't been able to open the windows and have a cool fresh dry breeze... until now. The humidity in Memphis and Florida wasn't fresh to me, and the heat of Phoenix was too stale all summer long.

But lately I've opened the windows (when it wasn't snowing or too frigid!!) and even though I probably was freezing everyone out, I was thoroughly enjoying the nice crisp air. I think because I grew up with dry cool air, that is what I enjoy. Jimmy tells me he greatly prefers humidity.

Fresh air makes a world of difference. And today it is definitely brightening my spirits.


Anonymous said...

I agree 100%! :)

shauna said...

I agree- there is nothing better than this wonderful air!
~your bread is looking pretty good too!

Alison said...

That's so true how you prefer what you grew up with. I'm so glad you can now enjoy opening your windows. I wish we could here, it's snowing today! Ahhh!