Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Does Practice Really Make Perfect?

Okay? So, I said I'd keep y'all updated on my bread-making practice. I decided to try half wheat & half white bread today to see if I had more success. I think I should have made 3 small loaves instead of these 2. They probably needed to rise more but I didn't want them to jump out of the pans. I sliced it and it seems too dense... which probably means it didn't rise enough so it didn't get baked thoroughly.

So tell me - why did it split on just one side? Too much flour? Uneven oven? Not enough kneading? Anyone? Anyone?

Julie Beck gave a talk years ago and I thought of it when I wondered if all my practice will really pay off for me to someday make bread perfect consistently. She said,
"When I was a new bride, I asked my mother-in-law, who is a very good cook, if she would teach me how to make her delicious dinner rolls. With a sparkle in her eye, she replied that it took 25 years to learn to make a good roll! Then she added, "You had better start making some." I followed her advice, and we have enjoyed many good dinner rolls at our house."
So perhaps there is still hope for me! Jimmy said it isn't worth 25 years of yucky rolls to finally get it right. But a good roll or good bread sure hits the spot.


Life's Adventures said...

I don't know why this works for me Heather, but i put the loaves in and set the timer for 4 min., then turn the pans around and finish baking. For some reason, the bread cooks more even.....

Anonymous said...

wow, they look delicious. The bread I made today didn't rise at all, but it still tasted good. I realized my yeast is old... But it was fun to make and it is already gone. I have no tips for you. Good luck. I'll call you when we are feeling better around here.PS: one of my friends, Alina Anderson dated Jimmy (and Steve Sokol's) roommate. Funny, no?

{B}dreamy said...

Looks pretty good to me... *B

Alison said...

What beautiful bread! Hooray! I bet you all loved diving into that. It looks almost too yummy to eat! Great job!

Kristi said...

Heather my bread always did that and now it doesn't. I am not sure I know what made the difference but I'll tell you what I changed. I use my kitchenaid to mix the dough now so it is kneaded lots more and then I let it raise longer in the pans than I use to. Anyway--good luck. Even if it splits--it still tastes good.

Cheri said...

I'll take a slice! Looks yummy to me. I think practice does make perfect; but craig would say the same thing as Jimmy -- not worth 25 years of bad bread. but I'd be like you and keep trying!