Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Abe's not-so-good day

The history: Abe's been getting hurt quite a bit lately. Sunday he got hurt 5 times. Yikes! I think his body has outgrown his motor skills. And I just don't think flip-flops were meant for Abe.

The story: Since we haven't seen my parents for a month, we thought we'd go visit them while in SLC. We drove right up the mountain and the kids were overjoyed to see them. Hannah had a very lengthy conversation with my mom (who patiently listened) and they talked all about hullahoops and Barbie Mariposa and such.

As we were about to leave, I decided to go downstairs and say hi to Grandma Beck (she lives in a mother-in-law apartment in my parents lovely walk-out basement).Abe was rushing to go with me and he completed biffed it on the stairs. He must have tripped and fell only about 4 stairs. But he fell really awkward and his body must have landed right on his left elbow.

Now - Abe is dramatic and cries his lungs out over the smallest injuries so I figured he would just get over this. But he cried and cried for over 30 minutes. And he wouldn't move his arm without intense tears.

So we had to change all our plans to go to this awesome warehouse to get food storage containers, and I picked up Jimmy to head to the doctor instead. It really isn't convenient to be injured in the afternoon because then you have to deal with after-hours centers and all that jazz.

But Jimmy took abe to the doctor and then they headed to the hospital to get x-rays. The doctor had put his arm in a soft cast and sling. Abe's arm was so swollen that even if it was broken, they couldn't put a cast on until the swelling went down.

So... in the end, the diagnosis was that Abe fractured his bone right above his elbow. The pediatrician wants him to see an Orthopedic Surgeon guy to make sure it heals correctly and that Abe will have full range of motion in his elbow. So, we'll do all that next week. Here's Abe trying to be really brave. The doctor said he was a tough little kid and hardly cried. I think he might be wearing that b-ball t-shirt for a few days. How do you get a kid dressed with a big cast on his arm?

This video that came in the mail through Blockbuster seemed appropriate for Abe to watch....especially this opening song by the Chipmunks....'Had a bad day.'

Here is Hannah's get-well note for Abe - spotlighting Alvin & the Chipmunks.


Mary said...

Oh Abe. I'm sorry you had such a rotten day. Hope your arm feels better soon little guy.

Jolene said...

oh, sadness. Sorry about Abe arm. I hope Abe feels better.

Marne said...

Oh my...poor little Abe! Hopefully it heals quick!

Anonymous said...

Poor guy! Hope everything is ok with his arm, tell him to feel better soon.

{B}dreamy said...

Hope the day(s) get better! *B

Cheri said...

We love you, Abe! Alana didn't break anything, but she's been sick this week, so we've had a few bad days here too. Guess that's life in the family!

Anonymous said...

Is that a hard or soft cast? They now have hard casts that can get wet!!! Sometimes Insurance won't pay for it, but for me it was only 30$ and well worth it--no worrying about no baths for Aidan for weeks.

Alison said...

Poor little Abe! I love that he's trying to look cheerful at the doctor. He's such a cute little boy. The toughest thing when Kyler fell and got a little fracture in his arm was bathing him with that darn cast. That's neat they have one now that can get wet. Hannah is such the little artist!