Wednesday, April 30, 2008

100 things about me

I told Jimmy I was trying to do this tag from Jolene and he said, "hmmm, that sounds long." Yeah - it is. But good for posterity's sake. Are these things useful to know anyways... probably not.

1. I wear lipstick that stains my lips for up to 12 hours. By having color on my lips, I feel like I've gotten ready for the day.
2. I straighten pictures on the wall... I can't NOT do it.
3. I'm very pigeon-toed.
4. I really like soup with veggies in it.
5. My worst grade was a C... in religion at BYU... yeah - shoulda studied a bit more.
6. I like having natural blond hair.
7. Dark Cherry colored wood is my favorite.
8. I used to be able to do the splits - not anymore!
9. One time I made a basket (as in basketball)... only it was during a volleyball game. Oops!
10. I love to have my fingernails as short as they'll go. Must be habit from piano days.
11. I'd love to be a great photographer.
12. I always wanted to be a mom.
13. I'd prefer peppermint over spearmint.
14. I have a hard time getting the words in my brain to come out of my mouth in an organized fashion. I have to think things through forever before they make sense to anyone.
15. I want to learn to play the cello.
16. I have chicken-pox scars... one in my eyebrow.
17. I think I'm a perfectionist until I try to scrapbook with real paper or sew. It just doesn't quite come out like I imagine.
18. Colors make me happy. Lately I love wearing bright cheerful colors.
19. I've only been pulled over once. I was going 83 in a 65 on I-15 on the way to Logan for Brandon's birthday party. I was just so excited to see family. I didn't get a ticket because the officer had to rush off to an emergency. Lucky me!
20. My first crush was either Jonathan Vernon or Layne Kinghorn. I kissed Jonathan on the forehead in kindergarten because I felt bad for him about something. Only... Joey saw me kiss him so I was in trouble.
21. I love containers... especially clear ones that I can see into.
22. Square is my favorite shape. I love square plates, my square diamond, square pictures.
23. I used to have a goal to visit every temple in the world... until they started building so many and I realized it wasn't very realistic. I do love to see temples lit at night. They make my heart happy.
24. I'd rather load the dishwasher than put the dishes away. I'm not sure why.
25. I can hardly stand cooking raw meat - especially ground beef. As for eating it... I have a hard time with that too, but I try so I can have some iron and protein.
26. I back down in confrontational situations. I just know I'll burst into tears if I have to verbally duke it out.
27. I can't study to music. I always start paying attention to the instruments or the counting and my brain can't concentrate on reading or writing.
28. I love hearing accents.... until I have to understand what they are saying. I had the hardest time understanding all the different accents when I lived in Florida. I think Jamaican was the hardest. In Tennessee I had a hard time remembering the names of the Indians who worked with Jimmy. Someday I'd love to visit Australia or England because those are my favorite accents ever!
29. I do not thrive in chaos... especially if there are too many noises. Music, tv, and kids running around playing is too much stimulation for my little brain. One thing at a time is the best.
30. I don't like to have my fingernails painted. They feel suffocated. I do like to paint my toenails though.
31. I like to swing.
32. I'm not coordinated at dancing - at all. I did enjoy learning some country dancing at Ricks though.
33. I once ran the 300 hurdles. My legs felt like jello by the end. I think after that I decided track was not for me.
34. I do enjoy running... just not racing.
35. I'm not very competitive. I'd rather have peace than battle it out in a game with someone.
36. Fresca is my favorite soda.
37. I love salad with lots of veggies, craisins, mandarin oranges, cottage cheese, croutons and ranch dressing.
38. Overall I'm not a big fan of food. I know - this is weird. I think I'm just too picky and don't enjoy my own cooking.
39. I do love just about anything with dark chocolate.
40. I loved growing up in small town Sugar City.
41. We never went on a honeymoon. Wait - Oh, Jimmy says our entire life is a honeymoon. What a romantic life!
42. I had mono when I got married. I was so super sick and tired, but luckily most of the bright red rash went away. I thoroughly enjoyed my wedding day even though I was sick.
43. Krispy Kreme donuts are my favorite kind of donut.
44. I love watching sunsets.
45. I got stung by a bee once when I was riding my hot wheels. We lived in Salem. My mom put mud on it to help it stop hurting. I thought I was really cool.
46. Cockroaches are sooooo not my friends.
47. We had a lizard that lived in one of my outdoor flower pots in Florida. We named him Pete. He disappeared one day and another lizard came to be our pet. We named him Repeat.
48. I used to think I had a green thumb, until I went to college and got plants that I kept killing. Bert was my spikey little plant. Jenny-a-farni-a-rah-furful was my faithful plant that was practically raised from the dead the summer of 1997. I finally had to throw her away when we got married and moved to Florida.
49. My favorite Mother's Day present ever was when my family bought me a yellow rose bush last year. I hope they give me a rose bush every Mother's day.
50. I like crepes.
51. Epcot is my favorite place at Disney World. I loved seeing all the countries, especially Norway - the land of my ancestors.
52. I get really bad spring allergies. Safe thus far this year... wait until I actually spend time outside.
53. Mentholatum lip stuff is the best.
54. I've had cankers almost constantly since moving to Utah. What's up with that!
55. I've never been fishing.
56. I don't like to eat fish, but when we lived in Florida I decided to try it. I ate Ma hi-Ma hi and it was okay. I enjoyed Salmon once. And I remember eating the Halibut that Grandpa Nelson caught. That was mellow and good.
57. My first airplane flight was when I was 16 and I flew to Chicago to visit Amy and Wade. I sat by a person and couldn't decide if it was a man or a woman. I think I finally determined it was a woman. Interesting cultural experience for this small town girl.
58. When I swim, I look like I'm drowning. I keep practicing, but I think I'm afraid of the water, especially to put my face in it.
59. When I was little my hair completely turned green from the chlorine at the Ricks swimming pool.
60. I love fireworks.
61. I smell like spit-up right now. I think my shirt is drenched in it. The perfume of motherhood.
62. When I was little my favorite number was 7. I think it was because my dad told me that was his favorite number.
63. I got my tonsils out the summer of 2006. I'm so glad.
64. I love boy jeans. I completely go for comfort with my wardrobe.
65. I like to make up words when I can't think of anything to describe what I'm talking about.
66. I like to sing.... sing a song... sing out loud... sing out strong. Sing of happy, not sad. Sing of good things... not bad. Lah-la, la, la, la...
67. I want to learn to play the guitar.
68. I like campfires.
69. I know how to lash thanks to MaryLou Wilding.
70. My favorite animal is a horse. I like riding them. I loved 5th years girls camp when we rode horses in the mountains and camped out.
71. I love Jimmy! He is my true love!
72. Whenever I read out loud for a long time, I yawn like crazy.
73. I really like salt... and pepper. I don't like onions much.
74. This week my favorite vegetable is peas.
75. The only presents I want this year are food storage related. (ok, really I could come up with a grand list of fun items - like a new camera, but I'm trying to be practical here)
76. I prefer platinum or nickel or stainless to gold and shiny.
77. I cry a lot... over happy and sad things.
78. Dandelions make me happy... especially when Hannah raves over them and doesn't even notice the tulips.
79. My favorite blanket when I was little was bright yellow with lions, palm trees, and bright green ties.
80. I had pin straight hair until I hit puberty when it went zany curly. Once I had babies, my hair mostly straightened out. Now it's just frizzy. Thankfully we have straighteners now-a-days.
81. I don't really enjoy many breakfast foods except cold cereal.
82. My stomach can't handle really spicy foods.
83. I love to sleep.
84. I sweat a lot. Just ask Jimmy. This is one reason I prefer dry air to humidity.
85. I used to write in my journal almost every night in high school and college. It was therapeutic for me to get all my feelings out and sort through my life. I think it helped me realize all the things I am grateful for, the things I believe, and the goals I had.
86. I used to have a crush on Paul who worked at Smiths in Provo. One of my friends knew him and set me up. We had almost nothing in common.
87. My hobby of digital scrapbooking is so fun. I love having something that is fun for me to do to relax from mothering and homemaking. And because I feel like it's a bit of family and personal history, I feel like spending a little time on it is okay.
88. I have a hard time thinking of 100 things about my life.
89. I have to work at being thrifty. It just doesn't come natural to me. But I'm trying!
90. If I could have any car, I think I'd go for a small Lexus SUV with an mp3 player plugin. The minivan is workin for us at this stage of life with small kiddos though.
91. I used to give campus tours at Ricks College.
92. I can't run on the treadmill and watch tv at the same time. I lose my balance.
93. I've never quite decided which would be worse - to lose your hearing or your sight. I'd be so sad not to hear laughter or voices of family or music. But I'd be so sad not to see smiles or nature or my family.
94. I really enjoy a good back rub.
95. I have very attached earlobes. I don't have my ears pierced. I really don't want to bring attention to my ears.
96. At one point in my life, I could run 6 miles late at night and want to keep going and going. This is not the case presently. Hopefully someday I'll get there again.
97. My favorite flower is Gerbera Daisies. They are so cheerful.
98. I'm not very witty. But I'm okay with that. I'm nice...sometimes...and I guess that's a good thing.
99. I really want to paint a room robin egg blue... Maybe my laundry room? We'll see. Or maybe pale yellow. Wouldn't that be cheerful?
100. Remember when I declared I would run/walk 100 miles in 100 days. It soooo did not happen.

I have to hurry and post this before blogger adds more extra spaces in there. Blogger sometimes has a mind of it's own and tries to write it's own code.

As for this tag... go for it people. Just go for it! It might take you a week, but it's fun.


Cheri said...

Wow, I learned so much about you, Heather! Good stuff. We have a lot in common. I won't even attempt the 100 items, though!

Anonymous said...

who didn't have a crush on Layne when we were in Kindergarten??? And where do you get that lipstick?? I want somelike that.

Amy D. said...

!I made it! That was fun, Heath. It took 3 sittings with all the
interruptions, but now I know all those things about you :)

Alison said...

You are so darn cute! I loved reading these things about you. You got a C in Religion!!! Heather! And fun to remember 5th year camp and those fun horses. Dave yawns when he reads a lot too and I always thought he must be weird, he'll be happy to know he's not alone. And do you remember how to lash? I can't remember it, Mary Lou would be proud of you! I can't imagine how long it would take to think of 100 things, let alone type them with kids running around. I'm very impressed! Very fun things for your kids and grandkids to know about you one day. Great job!

Anonymous said...

I'm with The Dawlings--what kind of lipstick is that? And does it come off on your clothes or when kissing your family?? That's totally what I need!

Jolene said...

You are so sweet. I love how you always look for things to be cheery.