Saturday, March 01, 2008

Welcome to People-hood Maxwell

Here's the latest on Mighty Max's life at 2 1/2 months old:

ALL THUMBS: Today Jimmy found Max's thumb in his mouth. Usually his long thumb starts his gag reflex and he doesn't know to just pull his thumb out. I'm thinkin' he'll be a thumb sucker which somehow seems better than using a pacifier. As long as he only sucks to go to sleep, I'll be okay with it.

SLEEPING: Max has done a swell job at sleeping most of the night in the past week. Last night he slept 10 hours and I finally woke him up. Is that okay for a baby 2 1/2 months to sleep that long? I suppose he's healthy and robust enough. The past 2 weeks we've finally made him cry to sleep. We try to do the eat-awake-sleep routine but usually he likes to fall asleep sucking. It about pulls my heart out to make him cry, but if I know he's full but just tired, it is easier for me to deal with. I think making him cry it out has helped him learn to calm down and sleep better. And he is finally sleeping in his bed. He was so comfy all curled up in his carseat but we knew that he needed to be able to sleep well in his bed.

CONTENT: This week we pulled out the infant bouncer seat. Max has been trying to focus his eyes on the little blue bear. I think he may have figured out the joy in waving his arms around to move the animals but perhaps it's all a coincidence or spastic baby muscles. He seems quite content in his seat and glad to be closer to the family to hang out and receive attention.

YUCKY: Yep - still spitting up. He's had some whoppers this week. He globbered dad, himself, and the remote control last night. Usually it ends up all the way down the inside of my shirt and hits my pants. Yes - totally and completely yucky!

A LITTLE PERSON: Maxwell seems more and more like a little person rather than a newborn. I think he actually enjoys looking at people (even his own wacky family!!!) more than the lights. He looks at our eyes and smiles when we smile and make silly noises. He absolutely loves Hannah and Abe. I'm sure they invade his space, but he likes silly songs, laughter, and smiles.

PERPLEXED?: Maxwell gets a very perplexed furrow in his brow occasionally. What could worry a little one? Generally Maxwell is a very happy baby and I think the only thing that troubles him is poops, gas, hunger, tiredness, or lack of attention. What a simple life!! I love his toes in this photo - all flexed and pigeon-toed.

We sure love Max. I'm sure he's gets tired of us loving and taking pictures of him! He is such a joy! Tonight we showed Maxwell a painting of Christ and he got a big smile on his face. I'm sure he saw a friend. I love knowing how precious and sweet new babies are straight from Heavenly Father. It makes me want to be a better person so I can be like them.


Karri said...

He's getting so big and cute! I can't beleive he slept for 10 hours. My kids were all really good sleepers too, probably cause their mommy is.

Mary said...

What a funny, sweet baby. I love the funny picture of him in the popcorn bowl. Did your remote survive?

Alison said...

How cute! He is such a fun baby. I love his toes in that picture! I love that he smiled when he saw the picture of the Savior. That makes me cry!

Amy D. said...

Amazing photos of little Maxwell! Thanks for all the different shots of him and tales...we haven't met him yet, but we know a lot about him. Thanks, Heath!

Marne said...

Oh Maxwell is the cutest! He IS getting so big. What a precious baby! Sweet memories.