Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The nurse of the year award ...

(at least in our home) goes to... Miss Hannah Mae. At least she has declared it so... she really did!! She was so proud of her efforts to nurse Abe back to health. He woke up from a nap with a horrific cough. He couldn't stop even to take a drink or take medicine and it sounded croupy. In the end, I think he just needed a big drink and to stop working himself up about it all. But we made him a bed on the couch and let him watch movies.

Hannah put on her robe to dress the part of a nurse. She made him a get-well card, got him a blanket, put on a movie for him. And she kept saying, "I'm a great nurse. I am the nurse of the year." "If you need me Abe, just call out my name." Amy would have been pleased with Hannah's bedside manner. Thanks to Steph for introducing us to this darling book Nurse Nancy that Hannah adores.


Anonymous said...

That is one of the sweetest things ever-- Hannah is a wonderful sister.

Marne said...

How incredibly darling is that? What a sweet girl!

Alison said...

She is such a sweetheart. How nice to have a girl like Hannah! Abe and Max are lucky boys to have such a caring sister. She's so cute!

Amy D. said...

Sweetness! Aunt Amy is very proud of Hannah for caring for Abe! That looks like a darling classic book, too.