Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My bubble world

Sometimes I feel like I live in a bubble. I live my life, I take care of my kids every day, I go to church, I occasionally attempt to go to Walmart, I sometimes clean, I try to shower once a day, I cry my eyes out every once in a while, but overall I try to do what I should....

but sometimes I forget that there is a world outside my own life.

I don't intend to be so centered on my own family and our own needs and situation but especially lately I've felt a bit zoned-out to reality outside my house especially since we are the new folks in the ward with our new move and new baby. But alas - that is no excuse.

Recently I've been reconnected to some friends and I've remembered how much we all need each other. I've been thinking so much this week about life, trials, blessings, family, faith, and strength. I've awaken once again to the reality that life is precious. And I wonder what I've done lately to show my appreciation for my blessings.

Do I really show my family how much I love them?
Do I show my love through patience and gentle kindness?
Am I drawing closer to my Heavenly Father?
Do I think of others outside my family and serve them?
Am I aware of those who need me to be their angel - and do I follow through?
Do I appreciate my time here-and-now as a mother?

Do I enjoy my life or just endure it?
Am I choosing what is best rather than what is just good?
Am I improving myself to be more Christlike?

So in thinking of these questions, I've set some goals to:
Cherish my family more...
Cherish the blessing to live in the great land of America...
Cherish the opportunity I have to know about the gospel of Jesus Christ...
Cherish my little ones while they are still simple and loving and little...

Cherish the time I have to teach and influence my children...
Cherish my spouse and focus on all the reasons I love him...
and Cherish my testimony and strengthen my faith.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Thank you!

Alison said...

Heather I love this post so much. Thank you for wording exactly how I feel. It's so important to cherish the time we have because things can change so fast. We need to count and cherish our blessings each and every day!

Amy D. said...

You live in a great world and you are a wonderful example of service and gratitude. Love you!