Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Swallowing Sunshine

Today we enjoyed the pleasantly warm temperatures, blew gigantic bubbles, went to the park which is about 2 steps from our front door, and swallowed a bit of sunshine. The kids loved it. I feel like Mary, the little girl in the Secret Garden, who had never played outside... like we were discovering the joy of nature all over again after being cooped up the past few months of winter. Spring is so delightful!Abe loved watching the bubbles float into forever. Hannah, of course, loved twirling while blowing bubbles. Maxwell did not enjoy the wind one bit so we snuggled him right into the sling and he fell fast asleep. Oh - how I love Spring sunshine and fresh air.. fresh air... fresh air!

I'm not sure what to think about Abe's newest discovery. There were the funniest 5 little boys at the park using the force, doing Jedi acrobatics, and pretending with Light Sabers. Abe was REALLY scared of them until they gave him a light saber and taught him all about Star Wars. Up until now, Abe's been content playing dress-up with Hannah and cars on his own. He has no idea about crazy boy play. What is a mother to do about such things?


Alison said...

Superheroes and transformers are a big hit at our house. And my boys love light sabers! Welcome to the joy of boys! :)

And I'm very jealous of your warm weather and your dry land. I'll post some pictures I took this morning of my boys out in the snow. It's snowing again this morning. It really is crazy. So I hope you swallow some sunshine for us, it might be awhile before we can. It does my heart good to see pictures of it at least!

Amy D. said...

Let's just say may the force be with you all!