Saturday, March 22, 2008

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

I somehow think that writing out my goals will inspire me more to accomplish them.

First, the bad news. You know the other week when I set a goal to run/walk 100 miles in 100 days... well, I haven't logged a single mile. As soon as I set the goal, I started feeling a cold coming on, and I didn't want to overdo. Then every day when I was going to hop on the treadmill, Maxwell would need a mama or something of the sort. I'm still going to try doing this, but it will mean making some serious efforts.

As for drinking 6 cups of water in 24 hours... yikes! I haven't done too hot on that one either. I have had a little more water but nothing close to what I should to be healthy.

The good news is that I really did go candy-free for 1 week. It took some self discipline but I substituted dried food and fresh fruit for my sweet-tooth moments. I'm sure the old-fashioned BYU Creamery donut I ate the Saturday after that week took the place of all the sugar and calories I saved by not eating candy... sigh...

So - there is work enough to do, and yes, I shall forge onward and try, try again.


Alison said...

You can do it Heath! Great goals...

Gosh, that donut from the creamery sounds good right now!

Marne said...

I am the same way with my fitness goals. It is HARD to do well all the time with little ones underfoot that you need to care for. You are doing great! Keep it up.