Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tennessee Tornados

One reason I'm glad we no longer live in Memphis - the tornados. Last night Memphis had a rough go with a few tornados and 55 people died in the South from the storms. A mall about 8 miles from our old house had a lot of damage with a roof collapse. Scary! My friend Shari in Jackson Tennessee had a lot of damage on her street from a tornado. A few houses were destroyed. We are glad all our friends are safe and we hope the clean up goes quickly. I definitely won't miss tornado days in the South. These are a few pictures from Memphis yesterday - the first was off Hacks Cross


Jolene said...

So scary! I am glad you aren't there anymore.

Karri said...

OMG! too Scary. I'm glad you don't have to worry about those anymore!

Anonymous said...

That is scary. When we lived in Denver we had a couple of tornadoes come through, one semi close to us, it was really scarry. I'm glad you guys are not there anymore & hopefully your friends from there are all ok.

Alison said...

That is so scary! I heard about the tornadoes on the news and thought of you and am so glad you live in Utah now! I'm glad your friends are safe.

Amy D. said...

Yikes! Very scary!