Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Lessons Learned from Maxwell

Look to the light - Max always seems to be straining his neck so that he can look towards sunlight or lights indoors. I agree that sunlight makes everything a bit better.

Observe what is around you - because Max doesn't have much to do in his simple life besides spit-up, poop, eat, sleep, and smile, he moves his head around to see all that is around him. When he is able to focus his little eyes, he gazes and gazes at each of us in wonderment. What if I looked at my little world like that? I would see so much in others and in nature.

Be content and Enjoy the simple Life- Occasionally Max has those cute baby coos and he just sounds so pleasant and content. Max doesn't need oodles of money or schtuff, he is just content to sit in his swing and enjoy the rocking, or content to be held and play with us.

Sleep is a good thing - Sometimes I'm slightly jealous at all the comfy cozy sleep Max gets.

It doesn't matter what your hair looks like - as long as you SMILE, you can still brighten someone's day.


Janey said...

he's so cute! I wanna come and cuddle him...

Alison said...

That is so cute! I loved it! I love when they smile and turn-inside-out they're so happy to be talked to. I'm so glad you have him! What great lessons learned from a babe.

Jeanna said...

So cute! I love when they start to focus and talk. What a fun time!