Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Odds and Ends Journaling

This is proof that we actually have a clear driveway. This may not seem miraculous but it took Jimmy almost a month to clear all the drifts that had been snowing and blowing before we even moved in. And then of course once you clear part of it, it snows and blows again. We also had a gigantic glacier at the end of our driveway that could only be broken with an ax. Good work Jimmy! And here's to wishing for a shorter driveway at the home we purchase.

I've been trying to convince Hannah that taking a shower is much more fun than taking a bath (really it's just much easier for me so I'm not on my knees in the tinsy bathroom.) She doesn't like getting water in her eyes so I thought goggles might help. Hopefully soon she'll catch on and won't need goggles or any help from mom in the washing hair department. I told her that if she ever wants a robe (her biggest desire right now) that she had to be a big girl and take showers. We'll see how that works!

Abe has had a gooby cough and runny nose since the beginning of October. The doctor in Tennessee thought it was allergies as we hadn't had a good freeze yet (even in December). So - we tried Claritin which really didn't help anything. Once we got here to Utah and his cough and runny nose only got worse, I took him to the pediatrician. He didn't think it was allergies at all since it would have subsided here in frigid Utah. So - he gave him some Augmentin Antibiotic. Ten days later, his runny nose and cough are totally gone. I guess it was a sinus infection. We are so glad not to be wiping his runny nose 30 times a day. Hurray!

Maxie is sickie - poor kiddo. Last night he spit-up and it was all mucousy and he was having such a hard time breathing through it all. I was ultra worried about him and I hardly slept a wink. So today I took him into the doctor just to make sure his lungs were clear - which they were. He said it was probably a slight RSV situation but just to suction all the goobies out and that's about all they can do at this point. So - hopefully it won't get any worse. The doctor said that RSV usually peaks after a week which is about how long Max has been slightly congested. Poor little babe! He is 7 weeks old today and weighed 11 lb 5 oz at the doctor. Our Mighty Max has gained 3 whole pounds.

Speaking of sickness... Last week Hannah threw up at night two separate times. It was really weird. I don't know that she was really sick with the flu, but it seemed just like she didn't chew up her food enough or something. One time she made it to the toilet... but alas... the second time it went all over her bed. This may not seem significant as the flu goes around all the time, but honestly - my kids have never thrown up (Yes - I've been so thankful). So, I'm now becoming an expert at cleaning barf out of sheets. I think I pretty much threw everything in - vinegar, baking soda, oxi clean, spray n'wash, and tide. Those germs are indeed dead now. Yuck! yes - very Yuck! Please no more barfing!

Lately I feel like each day we are just surviving - and that we're not progressing or improving on much of anything (though I am doing a better job of keeping the dishes off the counter). I watched a devotional address by President Thomas S. Monson and he quoted Emily from the play 'Our Town' as saying "Do human beings ever realize life while they live it - every minute." I haven't been doing this very much lately - especially appreciating my preschoolers who seem to be eternally bored and hungry. So - my goal this next week is to appreciate all the small moments - to realize LIFE and make the most of the time I have with my kiddos... as I know they someday will grow up and I'll miss them. Here's my start - to laugh and smile more often with my kids - to do fun and educational activities instead of shooing them away to watch tv. Wish me luck!

CHANGE - After watching the press conference yesterday with President Monson, Eyring, and Uchtdorf, I was thinking about CHANGE and the change of leadership we have had in the church this week. President Monson has such a different style than President Hinckley, but one thing I admire in him is his love for people. During the last General Relief Society meeting during a story told by President Monson, I was overcome with the impression that the reason he tells so many stories about the people in his life is because he really LOVES them so much. He cares so much for others and wants to bless them, and teach them, and help make their burden lighter.

One of my friends at Ricks - Wendy Bennion had cancer. She was the brightest ray of sunshine ever. She told me about meeting President Monson and the priesthood blessings he had given her. I found out a few years later in a conference talk by President Monson that Wendy had died. You could tell that he loved the goodness in her. I think I could do better at having that sincere Christlike love and willingness to lighten others burdens as President Monson does.

(another thing I was impressed by was the immediate respect shown by President Eyring and Uchtdorf for President Monson as the new prophet. In their comments, they complimented him and didn't make themselves seem brighter or more accomplished. Their respect and admiration for him is a great example to me.)

I also liked Marlin K. Jensen's comment in a post-press-conference interview that Sunday was Super Sunday in the Sports World... and Tuesday is Super Tuesday in the Political World... and Monday was Super Monday to the LDS world with the new 1st Presidency being called... doesn't having the 12 apostles meeting in the temple on Sunday to set apart and ordain the new prophet seem so much more eternally important and special compared to the world's 'super' days.

I'm really looking forward to spring. Today I left the house with the kids (this is a first!!!) to take Max to the doctor, get saline drops at Target, and new jeans for the kids (they mysteriously grew 2 or 3 inches right after I bought clothes for them last fall.) Anyhoo... it is a totally sunny bright happy day outside (yet still snowy and cold) but it makes me rejoice that spring might come soon... at least we can always hope!


Andrea said...

Your post was like a breath of fresh air for me. I have been feeling the same way. Sometimes with a new baby you do just feel you're just surviving, but there are a lot of little wonderful things that are still happening all around us, and as you said, we just need to remember to enjoy them!

Alison said...

Such cute pictures of you and Hannah together Heath! Love them! You are doing a great job enjoying the small moments. That's what I'm trying to do more of too because time passes so quickly and I don't want to look back with regrets. Thanks for the inspiration!