Friday, February 01, 2008

A jungle of a day

Just in case anyone assumes my kids act like jr missionaries every day, let's just set the record straight. (and also setting the record straight for my future self so that in years to come I don't have glorified memories of my preschoolers) After a ridiculous morning of emotions and tears from Hannah and taunting from Abe, the kids were sent to quiet time...which supposedly means that it will be quiet. The fued ended for a while and somehow the kids ended up nicely playing jungle with lions and tigers and giraffes...oh my!!! Unbeknownst to me, I squished a few giraffes while walking through my room.

At the end of jungle time, it was definitely clean up time. All of a sudden I heard screaming and shouting from Hannah and Abe. They were screaming 'You' over and over at each other in a debate about who pushed who. It was one of those motherhood moments, that if you can't laugh about it, you will cry.

It really made me laugh only because it was so extremely ridiculous. After they screamed it out for a bit, I ended the nonsense and sent each one to a corner to calm down. We talked about how we can't have the spirit in our home if there is screaming and fighting. And they definitely knew they were in the doghouse. All privileges were taken away for the rest of the day... which honestly is harder on whom? yep - the mom... because then there is no tv or computer or treats to entertain the little monkeys. But I'll tell ya - once I lay down the law, the kids sure do a speedier job of cleaning up.... at least temporarily.

The bright spot of the day: Maxwell slept for 8 hours last night. Yay! We hope it lasts.

And this Black Raspberry air freshner from Bath & Body Works is making my house feel so much fresher and yummier. I pretty much love it - ummm yep - I love it!


Reeses Pieces said...

I love those fresheners. When they're having sales I totally stock up. I'll have to try that flavor.

Alison said...

I hope Maxwell is still sleeping for 8 hours! That is awesome!

And my kids do the same thing. Somedays I just stop and think this is ridiculous! But those moments pass too.

And thanks for the air freshener tip. I always stand there and smell them all trying to get the best one, and then it seems the one I pick makes me nauseous once I plug it in. So I'm glad to know a good one! :)

Kristin Sokol said...

You may also enjoy sparkling peach, I know I have.