Friday, February 01, 2008

President Hinckley Website Links

One of Jimmy's job duties as Web Analytics Product Manager for the church is analyzing the web statistics for the church websites. Traffic on doubled this week due to President Hinckley's death. And the LDS Newsroom traffic increased by 6000%. He has also been involved with the coding on the website which has a collection of video, photos, and links to various articles. You can click on the blinkie on the right to get to the website. Jimmy is really enjoying his job thus far.

I think it's a great idea for the church to host a site dedicated to President Hinckley. Speaking of which... have you seen this Slideshow by BYU Photographers. Throughout the film, you can hear the difference in the maturity of his voice. My favorite line is "Be Happy. Look for the sunlight in life." These are two of my favorite pictures from the slideshow.
There was also a great interview with Sheri Dew about the life of President Hinckley on BYUtv. You can watch it here at It was on Thursday, January 31 @ 7 p.m. The program is called Living Essentials.

Also, the special 'Gordon B. Hinckley: Man of Integrity' was on Friday, February 1, at 7 p.m. at that same link.


Marne said...

Thanks for sharing Heather! These are great.

Amy D. said...

Awesome! I had to put a link to this on my blog :)

Alison said...

Thanks for the links! I love seeing all these things about dear Pres. Hinckley. That also sounds like a neat job for Jimmy!