Sunday, January 13, 2008

What is a mother to do...

with this little boy? Abe is a picky eater anyways, but lately he doesn't even want his beloved peanut butter & honey on wheat bread. The other day it took him 30 minutes to take 5 bites of Top Raman which he used to snarf down. He had to be coerced with every bite. And I knew he would insist that he was hungry 10 minutes after refusing lunch so we kept at it. His appetite could be affected by his cold or our big family changes & move. But this Abe doesn't even like chocolate chip cookies, milk, hot chocolate, jello, or brownies... if you can believe that!
But one thing he does like is this...
One thing we have found in the midst of boxes is Hannah's tea set from her friend Abbey. The kids have been sipping water and eating carrots, apples, and goldfish crackers out of these miniature dishes. They have had a splendid time inviting stuffed animals such as Minnie Mouse to join the fun. I loved watching Abe carefully picking up the tinsy cup with his sturdy & chubby fingers. Oh the joys of childhood! So for now we'll keep working on expanding Abe's diet and enjoy his funny little boy moments. Today was Abe's first day of Sunbeams. Jimmy peeked in and said he was sitting still and being very reverent. Wow - good work little buddy!


Angie said...

Oh, Heather - he is darling. I love how dainty he is holding the mini tea cup. Horray for Sunbeams!

Marne said...

If anyone knows the struggles of a picky eater I do. It is not fun for anyone. But this too shall pass, right? He is simply precious. Boys learn a lot from their sisters!

Alison said...

What a great picture of Abe! Love the sunlight and his fingers holding the dainty tea cup. So cute! Porter is the same way about eating right now. Must be a stage they're going through!

Mary said...

Abe is nothing but great in that picture. I love his sturdy hands holding the tiny cup. Our new sunbeams have better behavior than most of the senior primary. I love that class!

Jeanna said...

Oh, it's so good to hear I'm not the only one struggling with getting my kids to eat something besides treats! I think it might just be the time of year - who wants to eat when it's cold outside? I'm even having a hard time fixing something for myself and even being hungry. Oh well, "they" say that kids will eat when they are hungry. I hope so. And I hope it's not just poptarts and crackers.