Saturday, January 26, 2008

We had a grand time

with the Brunsons. We stayed with Mary and fam during our stay in the frozen tundra of Idaho. Sugar City is home to millions of glorious icicles! Hannah and Abe had such a great time playing with their cousins. They hadn't met since they were infants. On our drive north, Abe said, "I'm so excited to play with my cousins." And upon returning home Hannah said, "I am just so sad without Annalise and Kaitlin here beside me."

The girls ate pizza, changed clothes a million times to pretend to be rockstars or something of the sort, and had their first sleepover (with a nightlight of course). Hannah loved that Annalise shared her robe and slippers with her. Abe loved taking over all the boy toys and bonking everything around upstairs (ummm, sorry Mary for the ruckus!)

Kyle was full of compliments which is a boost for anyone feeling extremely frumpy. He is so funny to notice so many details. It was hilarious to watch him and Kait when Maxwell had a spit-up. It was quite alarming to them (too many memories of having the flu I suppose). Sorry kids! Kaitlin said while eating her cereal, "I saw you and your baby in the computer." Do I really live in the computer? And Annalise drew us a rockin' picture of our family as a welcome gift. We all kept getting Annalise and Hannah confused too. They were a cute pair!

We are excited to live closer to family and friends. It was good to see y'all!


Marne said...

FUN! I love getting my kids together with their cousins. Great memories for the kids.

Alison said...

I LOVED seeing you guys on Friday night. Both your kids and Mary's kids are so fun! I was so embarrassed after I left that my kids were so rambunctious. Please apologize to Jimmy that Kyler was growling at the girls upstairs (Ky told me in the car after we left). Thanks for enduring our visit! It was so wonderful to see you!!!

Janey said...

Oh my goodness did you or mary have multiple sets of twins?? I never realized how alike hannah and annalise look!! That's amazing. And kait was right there with them, how fun!