Friday, January 25, 2008

It was a wondrous thing... attend the Rexburg Temple Open House. I was more than thrilled when I knew we were moving to Utah and that I might be able to attend the open house. More than for myself, I wanted to take Hannah inside a temple and show her what a special place it is.

I loved sharing with her our memory of our wedding day when we were in the sealing room. And Jimmy stood with Hannah in the celestial room and showed her the mirrors where you can see forever. I hope that she might carry that memory with her and always desire to be sealed in the temple and return often to feel the blessings of joy and peace. Hannah said the Celestial room was her favorite part of the temple tour.

I hope we can attend a temple open house with our entire family someday soon (when Abe isn't quite so wiggly and Max is old enough to appreciate it). It was a frigid 24 degrees (which probably was the high for the entire month of January in Rexburg!!!), but I'm still so glad we ventured north to see the beautiful temple on the hill.

(Photo by Rick Davis - Thanks for sharing it Andrea)

p.s. Even though my parents don't live there anymore, I still get teary-eyed driving 'home' to Sugar City. I think I was perched on the edge of my seat taking note of all the new homes and changes to our little town. We drove by all 3 of our homes and a flood of memories came back to me of snow adventures trekking across our drifted driveway to get to church, hours of conversations with friends after mutual, family work & activities, playing sports with siblings, etc. And best of all, every one who drove by waved to us... don't you love that about Sugar City... people wave just because everyone knows everyone. What a friendly place!


Marne said...

So glad you got to go Heather! It is fun to home, eve if it isn't 'home' anymore. Great memories!

Marne said...

So glad you got to go Heather! It is fun to home, eve if it isn't 'home' anymore. Great memories!

shauna said...

How neat that you were able to attend the openhouse! I absolutely love the scrapbook page. Very beautiful.
I drove up to American Fork yesterday and saw that Saratoga Springs was the same exit- I wanted to go find your house but was on a tight schedule. It's fun just knowing you are near!

Jan said...

Thanks for the pictures of the Temple. I hope that one day I will be able to go see it for myself. We wanted to go down when we were in UT, but it was snowing too much so we stayed home.

Julie said...

Beautiful pictures. We wanted to make it up but somehow I have 6 schedules to work around. I guess we'll just have to vacation back up to Idaho and go. hu? :) Everyones dream. I know

Andrea said...

So glad you got to go! Hope you enjoyed Idaho for me. :)

luvmy5boyscora said...

Love this post Heather. Made me tear up. I too have great memories of growing up in Sugar City and the great people who influenced my life. (Like you--I always looked up to you guys)Thanks! And now there is a Temple there and that is so great.