Monday, January 07, 2008

Our Own Little Volcano

And it came to pass that in the first week of the first month of the new year, it was discovered that the new babe spewed forth a plentiful amount of spit-up. The parents were in great hopes that this babe would not follow the spewing traditions of his siblings. Sigh... Bring on the burp rags, spray-n-wash, and washing machine for indeed we'll need them!


Mary said...

Oh little Maxwell - how could you?? I thought that since I had twins and was somewhat of an emotional wreck that maybe I'd be blessed with non-spitters. Yeah, not so much. Must be something in our genes - and now it's all over our jeans. (I realize that was a super-lame joke)

Marne said...

Oh Heather, I hear you. Lacy was that way for 5 was horrible. Spray and Wash IS the best!

Alison said...

I've never had trouble with spit-up (knock on wood). I'm so sorry! But good thing he's so cute. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain also. Brynlee was a projectile vomiter. I know paints a bad picture but I was so paranoid cuz it would come out of her nose too & then she couldn't breathe & turn purple. We always had the nose & mouth sucktion thing with us. She slept in her car seat for the first few months & was on meds but it went away when she started eating solid foods. My boys were not spit uper's (i don't think thats a word) at all & it was so nice. Good Luck!
Glad you made it to Utah safely, good luck with the cold & snow change.

Kristin Sokol said...

Such a cute blog you have. Are you all nestled into your place by now?

Let us know if you need any help or supplies.

{B}dreamy said...

Oh no, haha. You know what works wonders? Oxyclean. I swear by it. And kudos to your for moving. Wow. Good luck with everything! *B

luvmy5boyscora said...

Hey Heather, how is Utah treating you???

Amy D. said...

Lovely, Maxwell. How could you?! Good ideas from everybody...I like the term spit-uppers! (Trevor was ours :).