Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A New Year's Blessing

This quote/blessing seemed appropriate to start the new year. Happy New 2008!!! Thanks Coralee for sharing this thought.

Smith Family Update: We are packing suitcases today, the packers/movers will pack the rest tomorrow and Thursday. Thursday afternoon we close on our house. And Friday we're outta here! We may or may not have internet access in the next week while we're staying in a hotel. Hopefully by the 9th our stuff will arrive so we can move into our rental house.

"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me... and I'm feeling good."(At least I hope I feel good when we are all settled... there is always hope!)


Marne said...

I love that quote too Heather. VERY appropriate for the new year! And...every day is better with a little Michael Buble. LOVE it! :)

Angie said...

Good luck Heather! I hope all goes well.

Angie said...

I love this quote! It will always remind me of the movie, "The Wedding Planner".

Reeses Pieces said...

I wish you and your family the best of luck. Stay safe and drive careful!

luvmy5boyscora said...

Congrats on your little Maxwell. I am happy your house sold and things seem to be falling into place for you guys. What tender mercies you will look back on. Good luck with the move.

Lexie said...

I hope your move is going well and that you are recovering from your c section......I love your quote book! Where is the link so we can go to all your quotes and print them when we want? :) I use your quotes for my visiting teachers and post them in my home to inspire myself and hopefully my family. I hope that is okay.

Good luck with all.......I had to laugh at the "survival mode" comment.....I think we have been there since the birth of our 4th child (he is a handful) and that was 5 years ago! :)