Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pointless... yes! Weird... yes!

jave ipu rbrt jsf upit homrtrtd pm yjr etpmh lrud ejo;r yu[omh om yjr fstl/ upi djpi;f ytu oy dp,r yo,r/ oy ,slrd oy tsyjrt jstf yp trsf/

translation: "have you ever had your fingers on the wrong keys while typing in the dark. you should try it some time though it makes it hard to read."

THERE REALLY IS NO POINT TO THIS, OTHER THAN OCCASIONALLY WHEN i AM TYPING ONE-HANDED BECAUSE I'M FEEDING MAX, i GET GOING QUICKLY ON THE WRONG KEYS... soooo, I thought I'd experiment and see how it looked to type all the letters with my hands shifted ever so slightly. So - the moral of the story is... uhh... stay on the right path... uhhh... can anyone think of anything else a little deeper.

And this idea to make a 'Random Thoughts' scrapbook album seems like a fun project to liven drab winter thoughts and days. Making one of all your kids randomness would be funny too. Like Hannah and Abe's conversation today:

Abe: 'you like honey hannah?'

Hannah: 'no, I don't like honey. I was just born to like peanut butter.'

Abe: 'oh... you like peanut butter Hannah?'

Hannah: 'yep, that's all i like.'


Alison said...

So funny Heath. Kids say the best things. Especially their conversations with each other, priceless! Glad you got this one written down.

Marne said...

I love the things our kids say, great idea for a scrapbook album!

Amy D. said...

wow, I dont' know how i missed this row of cute posts! Love your kids and their comments and your typing!