Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Too much Spewing

At least I can be grateful that Max doesn't spew quite as much as some of these kids. Though today he seems to have an upset stomach and he can't quite keep anything in. Max is 6 weeks old as of yesterday. Wahoo! He seems to have a stuffy nose and we hope he doesn't get sick. Poor little guy!


Anonymous said...

that is one of the funniest clips i have ever seen! thanks for sharing!

shauna said...

Oh my goodness, that was disgusting... and hilarious! I could not stop laughing the whole time.

Janey said...

It's now been confirmed--I can't have babies for at least five years after watching that clip. I started dry heaving and had to leave the room so i didn't throw up on my computer!!!

Jan said...

Yuck! This reminds me of Almy when he was a baby. I sure don't miss those days. I hope Max doesn't get sick.

Jeanna said...

Boy, I remember those days with Andrew. He spit up, but never quite as much as some of those kids. Can they possibly have that much in their little tummies?