Thursday, January 31, 2008

Introducing Mr. Squishy on Video

Ignore the weird mama talking to the camera - ummmm yeah! Just thought that those who haven't met Maxwell yet would get a better idea of his size, squishyness on video. :) I was hoping he'd shine one of his big smiles for ya, but alas, he was too tired... or maybe weirded out by his silly mom.


Marne said...

Mr. Squishy is so stinkin cute. I want to squish him!

Steph and Eric said...

i love the head bobs!! it is always fun to see babies in action.

Carol said...

What a sweet baby . . . thanks for posting video, Heather. Too cute!!

Angie said...

I love little Max! He has the cutest squishy faces ever!

Alison said...

Oh! So sweet! Makes me baby hungry Heath! And I love that you are such a kind gentle mother.