Thursday, January 31, 2008

my 1st step... ending the frumpiness problem was to chop the hair. This was the longest I have had my hair since I was married. And every single day it ended up in a wet, slicked-back ponytail. Why is it that I always want to grow my hair out so that it will fit in a ponytail but then I never end up doing it down? So thanks to Camille I now have a new spiffy short hairdo. Here's the before and after shots.... with a little silliness added in.


Abe was Handy Manny all day with tools tucked in his belt and a hat.


I've been training Hannah to take photos. She generally avoids cutting off our heads. She's been experimenting with turning the camera sideways and zooming in. She's getting a little funny about it.

Do you think Mr. Squishy enjoys all the millions of kisses he gets each day? Maybe that's why he makes squishy faces at us.

My all-time favorites in the series were taken by little buddy Abraham. He finds it hilarious to cut off our heads in the photos.


Step 1 to end frumpiness = get a new fresh, easy, energetic hairdo.

Step 2 = lose the maternity clothes

which leads to step 3

Step 3 = hop on that treadmill and lose 15 pounds.

I'll let ya know when we progress to Steps 2 & 3.....

We're on our way... at least I can always hope!


Marne said...

I love your hair Heather! So cute. Hannah does a great job on taking pictures too.

Steph and Eric said...

I wish that #1 led directly to completing #2 & #3 I got my hair cut a couple weeks ago and yet. . .

Sally said...

Heather I can't wait to try your formula!! LalaLOVE your new haircut- its darling!

Carol said...

Cute hair, Heath! Isn't it so nice to get a good haircut? You look great!

Camille said...

Heather! Love your blog! It was so fun to get to know you last night!! you are such a fun girl! you are welcome to come over anytime! I hope you are loving the new hair cute! I think you look great!

Camille said...

Heather! I love your blog! I loved getting to know you last night! you are such a fun girl! you are welcom to come over anytime! I think your hair is supper cute!:)

luvmy5boyscora said...

What a cute haircut! Looks fun, easy, sassy, darling! What does your hubby think? Love your blog!

Jolene said...

Hannah is really good at taking pictures.
Cute hair.

Anonymous said...

Love the haircut!!!! Isn't she great? And just a fun fun person. I love her and her "skills". Glad it worked out well for you. I am with you on #2 and #3... As Camille said to me once, "It is a new year, a new baby, a new hairstyle, and a new (unfortunately) body (thanks to the third baby...)"

Amy D. said...

Excellent photos and darling hair, Heath! Love you all!

Alison said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE your haircut! You are gorgeous. It is so cute! I've got to follow your example and do the same. Love it! And what cute loving photos with your kids. Those are always my favorite. Hannah is quite the photograhper! (Abe too! :) )