Monday, January 07, 2008

The Big Move

What a week! Moving sure is a stressful time. Last week our movers came, speedily worked hard to pack our stuff, and loaded it in the truck to be driven to Utah. Wednesday and Thursday were a bit hard and my eyes were blood-shot and red from shedding a few bucket-loads of tears. It was hard to be so displaced with 2 busy kids,a new baby, and two irritable and tired parents. Imagine if we had to pack and move ourselves! The closing on our house went very smoothly. And we were so grateful to the Sharps who were still our friends despite seeing us all at our worst. They provided an excellent feast for dinner and wonderful sleeping arrangements for us on Thursday night. We feel blessed that everything went as smoothly as it did our last days in Tennessee. It definitely could have been harder.

Our flights on Friday went pretty well. The kids were 99% wonderful and Maxwell slept for most of the time (all snuggled in his sling and fuzzy blanket). I was so relieved to finally arrive in Salt Lake in hopes the hardest part was over.

The kids have been so amazed at the snow and ice everywhere. They definitely aren't used to having to be careful walking and they may learn a lesson when they are jumping around on the ice. Having not lived with snow and ice for 7 years, I need to adjust too. I think I may stay inside all winter long with the 3 kids. Yes, I'm a wimp to going out in the winter weather! We checked out our rental home and I think it will be a good temporary place for us. So we'll just cozy up and drink hot chocolate all winter long.

Thank you to our friends and family here in Utah who have been so willing to take care of us by providing meals and laundry facilities. We are excited to be closer so we can visit more often.

Jimmy started his first day at work at Church Headquarters today. He took Trax into downtown. I really do feel like we are in the big city now with all the traffic. So the kids and I are resting up and staying warm here at the hotel today and watching movies.

You have now arrived at the end of the long recap of the last week of our lives.


Mary said...

I'm beyond excited that you made it safe and sound and that you are so CLOSE now!! We cannot wait to see you guys. Sounds like a tough week, but like you made it through with flying colors. You'll get used to the cold again - hopefully. I rarely even wear a coat - unless hoodies count. Love you!

Marne said...

Glad you made it safe Heather. What an exciting job for Jimmy...congrats! Cold, glorious will get used to it, I'm sure. :)

Reeses Pieces said...

I'm so glad to see you're there safe and sound. For some reason I thought you were driving. What a nice thing to fly instead of driving for at least two days. Where are you renting? Keep in touch.

Angie said...

YAY! You made it safe to the cold state!! I can't wait to see you and your kids, we need to have some kind of party! Hope all goes well with settling.

Alison said...

I'm so glad you made it to Utah! I was thinking of you on a plane with 3 kids all day on Friday. Glad it was a good trip! I'm so happy you're closer now. Good luck with the move into the rental and the unpacking. Let me know if you're ever up this way!!! I'm so glad you blogged again. Hope Jimmy enjoyed his first day today!

Kjerstin said...

Congratulations on everything! I can't imagine trying to move so far with two small children and a new baby. You are a brave woman. . . and you still manage to make nice comments on my blog!!:). I grew up in SLC, and I love it there! You'll have so many fun things to do. Good luck and thanks for the scrapbooking recommendations.

Carol said...

Welcome to Utah, Heather!! So glad you all made it safe. It's definitely winter here, huh? Hope you get all settled and unpack the hot cocoa and fuzzy slippers and have a nice time!! We're looking forward to getting to see you and meet Abe and Maxwell for the first time!! Love you!

Andrea said...

It is great to hear you made it to UT. One big thing to check off the list, right? I'm amazed at what you've done. Eva will be 3 months old on Sat. and the thought of adding a move and surgery into the mix of a new baby does not sound fun. Anyone would be in survival mode in your situation. Nice work!

Amy D. said...

Great pictures for this post, Heath! Glad you guys are there.