Thursday, December 06, 2007

Holiday Tunes

I finally got some Holiday Tunes up on my blog player. I didn't have time to get all my favorites up, but here's a start... a lot of Josh Groban (I think 'Thankful' is my favorite) and Jim Brickman (favorites: 'Rejoice' & 'Blessings')... a little Chris Botti, Michael Buble, David Tolk, Amy Grant, etc.

Quickie Update: No offers on our house yet. Big baby #3 is yet to be named but is still growing and growing and growing. We're working on housing in Utah so we aren't homeless come January. The kids are thoroughly enjoying their Christmas activities at preschool. Yep - I think that's about it. Happy December 6th!


Jolene said...

Thanks for a list of your favorite Christmas music. I have wanted to get some more Christmas music, but was unsure of what to get. I will have to check these out.
You are on the count down. How exciting. Good luck with the names. That part of having a new baby is always a challenge.

Mary said...

Thanks for the fun Christmas music Heath! They are great. I hope you get an offer soon!! That is one of the hardest things to wait for. Can't wait to see your babe and hear what name you choose. Good luck again and again!

Jeanna said...

I love your music selection. I think Josh Groben will be my next Christmas CD purchase. I love Jim Brickman and Amy Grant. Thanks for sharing! Good luck with the new baby and moving.

brittanydaw said...

We are excited for you to be moving out here to Utah. There are lots of homes here in our area--and you would already know us and the Sokols! If you need any help, let us know.
Also, we are sending out cards--is your address Fairmont circle still?

Reeses Pieces said...

I love, love, love Josh Groban's Christmas CD, and White Christmas is a favorite of mine too. I especially love the movie. You have great taste!

Amy D. said...

Thanks, thanks for the Christmas tunes :)