Saturday, December 08, 2007

Chocolate and Vanilla

Having lived in South Florida, Arizona, and Tennessee, I have been exposed to a few different cultures (compared to Utah and Idaho where there isn't much cultural diversity). I had a bit of a culture shock moving to Florida because I felt as a blonde chica, I was quite in the minority. But it has been interesting to get to know people of other cultures (even though I admit that I am still adjusting to understanding many accents.)

Anyhoo... Last month our kids went to a birthday party hosted by Build-a-Bear where they picked a bear and stuffed it. Abe named his Chocolate Bear and Hannah named hers Vanilla Bear. Both seem like appropriate names indeed.

This week we asked the kids what color hair they thought our baby would have. Abe said, "Vanilla." (cute way to describe blondies). And today Abe commented when we were at Wendy's that, 'their faces are chocolate." It's curious that so often kids don't see any differences in people until they start getting older. I love that little ones just love everyone no matter the color or age or economic class. I have seen that unconditional love in my kids as we've gotten to know people in our ward and in the community.
“Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day.”

1 comment:

Jan said...

We have a lot of diversity in our ward and it has been great. Ethan is the only white boy in his school, last week when I picked him up it was cute to see him wave goodbye to his friends and some of his friends jumped up and gave him a hug.