Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Getting Ready

I went to the doctor today for the last time before I have this babe. I am 67% effaced with no dilating. So... I don't know if I'll actually go into labor before next Tuesday, but if I do, they'll just do a c-section anyways. I pretty much know nothing about labor so perhaps it would just be better if we kept to our schedule of baby arriving next Tuesday. Not much else to report on all that.

This week we've had completely warm temperatures. Today the high is about 75 degrees. I think it's supposed to get colder so we might actually have a chilly Christmas.

Today I was talking to Hannah about having her own room when we move to Utah. At first she decided she would like her own room, then she told me she wanted to share a room with our baby so if the baby cried at night, she could help him so Jimmy and I could sleep. Isn't that sweet of her! So then we talked about how babies need to drink bottles in the middle of the night and sometimes they cry. After that discussion, she decided it might make her too tired to get up at night helping the baby. But I'm glad she had sweet intentions of helping. Abe has declared that 'I not drop the baby.' So we'll see how our baby survives his siblings attempting to help out.


Jolene said...

Yeah, one more week. I hope everything goes as planned. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little man.

Steph and Eric said...

wahoo heath!!! we are so excited for you and your little baby boy.

i'm with hannah. . .sometimes i like sharing a room and sometimes not. it's a big decision. if she does share, i'll cross my fingers that the baby doesn't snore!

Angie said...

Congrats! Hannah is such a sweet little girl. I hope Hallie turns out to be as nice. I love that Abe is determined to not drop the baby. Good luck!

luvmy5boyscora said...

Good luck Heather with your last week! It is so much fun to have a Christmas baby even if it is a little crazy with moving and everything, there will be such a sweet spirit in your home this Christmas. Our first baby was born 3 days before Christmas and we just put him under the tree in his little carrier and stared at him and thought he was the best gift ever. Sorry so long!

Jan said...

You're really missing out on the labor part, just kidding, be glad. Good luck the next week. Sounds like your kids are going to be great helpers, or at least try to be.

Marne said...

Good luck Heather. Hannah will be a great helper.

Reeses Pieces said...

Yeah, I'm getting excited for you. I hope everything goes smoothly. You look great!

Sally said...

Heather, I am green with envy that you have hit the one week mark! Can't wait to hear how the C-section goes!

Alison said...

I've been thinking of you with just one week left! Good luck! I'm just hoping for the best every minute for you!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with everything, thats so great to have less than a week left. What a great Christmas present for your family. Can't wait to meet your new addition. I was worried about the whole sibling thing when I had #3 but it has been ok. Brynlee is 7 & thinks she is big enough to carry him around, so when she does it then my 3 yr old thinks he can do it also. I have caught him dragging him across the floor instead of picking him up. Now that he is older (8 months) my 3 yr old is rougher with him, so him & time-outs have become very familiar with each other.

Amy D. said...

Your kids are going to be great siblings. Good luck, Heath :).

Karri said...

good luck Heather!