Sunday, December 09, 2007

Bring back the memories

On Friday night as part of our family activity, Jimmy ran into the grocery store to get pizza and root beer while the 3 of us stayed in the car. Abe and Hannah both squished into the driver's seat and since Abe was the dad he drove for us. He first drove us to the mall, then to Nauvoo, then to Utah. It brought back memories of when us Price kids would wait in the car while mom was doing grocery shopping. We would carefully (so the steering wheel wouldn't lock) pretend to drive to all sorts of exotic places ... like California. Oh - the fun childhood memories!!


Janey said...

That is one of my favorite childhood memories, "driving to CA" in the car while waiting for mom when running errands. I always locked the steering wheel though, i didn't quite get it. Thanks for that memory Heath!

Amy D. said...

Cutie vintage memory picture--you and Carol have got the cute ones!

Carol said...

If you count the pretend car trips, we went to California a lot!!!!!!! Thanks for the reminder of such good times! It's so cute to hear where Abe chose to drive. Hope your pizza party was fun!

Mary said...

We did do that didn't we... Good times all around. Nothing like going on vacation in a red station wagon!!

Marne said...

What fun memories...

Alison said...

I used to be paranoid of kidnappers when I was little so when my mom left us in the car I would lock all the doors and sit on the floor so no one could see me in the car. I'm sure my brothers were up driving the steering wheel though! Fun memories. And fun to get pizza and rootbeer! Dave is on his way home with pizza right now, I just couldn't cook tonight. More nights are like that lately... :)