Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Friday morning brought freezing cold temperatures for us. We have gone from the 70s to the 40s people! Are we going to freeze in Utah or what? Given - we have the humidity here which takes the chill to the bone, but I remember those wet and cold winters in Utah (all you Idaho people wonder what I'm whining about - I know!! My body has become used to Florida, Arizona, and Memphis weather). So first of all, the kids bundled up to play outside in our 40 degree weather. Even Jimmy opted not to play basketball outside with the guys. This must be serious!!

So, instead of enjoying our outdoor snowless frigid weather, we turned up the Christmas tunes and decorated our ever-so-festive Christmas tree. The kids were about beside themselves with excitement. Abe kept jumping up and down and saying, "I can't wait, I can't wait." I really don't think he knows what that means and must have heard it from Hannah. The new decoration this year is Candy Canes which were requested by the kids. Really they wanted them on the tree so they could eat them occasionally which I told them was against the rules. So - hopefully we won't lose too many canes off the tree and the kids can enjoy the mini canes from the cupboard.

And the rest of our weekend was spent trying not to drive each other crazy. I'm realizing that preschool is a great outlet for my kids and for me. I'm not quite sure what we'll do once in Utah with no preschool and all of us cooped up in small quarters during the winter. We'll see how that goes. My patience today was at level 0 and even when I tried to entertain with painting and pie making, I was not the sweetest mother of all time. Ay-ay-ay!

Jimmy took on the adventurous chore of touching up paint, repainting the hall, the kids room, and the dining room. The walls look SO MUCH BETTER! We decided instead of asphyxiating everyone, that we'd let the frigid fresh air into the house so we could continue breathing (don't want to get this unborn baby high on paint fumes!!). We've had lots of hot chocolate and bundled up and have enjoyed our clean and crisp walls. Thanks Jimmy for all your hard work!

We showed our house 2 times this week. Next week the guy who first saw our house is bringing his wife to see homes in the area. So, we're hopeful that at least 1 offer will come in as a few of the families seem quite interested. How could they not love this cute little house!

And of course we've spent hours cleaning out closets and tidying and febreezing and Mr. Cleaning. I love having such a tidy house. We're going to have to make this a regular habit of twice a week overall on chores. I can't take much credit though as Jimmy has done the vacuuming and mopping and more physical tasks since this 8 1/2 month pregnant lady is having trouble walking around and maneuvering her hips which seem to be out of socket lately. We're at 36 weeks here and anticipating a Dec 18 c-section date.

I believe this post has gone on long enough and we'll bring it all to a close here and now. Ummmm - bye!


Angie said...

It sounds like you are having quite the busy holiday season - trying to squeeze in Christmas, having a baby and moving! You guys will need a vacation once you move to UT! Good luck with everything, we are so excited for you to move to UT so we can see you more often. I think the last time I saw you was when we ran into you at Neilson's frozen custard in Bountiful when Hannah was just a baby. Do you remember that?

Amy D. said...

What a great family time with the Christmas decorating! Our prayers are with you on the house selling :)

Alison said...

I love the pictures of your kids decorating the tree and Jimmy painting. Such a busy time! Best of luck!