Sunday, November 25, 2007

Do we live in 2007...

or is it still the 80s in our house? Last night I was thinking our movie watching experience humorous. We wanted to watch 'The Family Man' that aired Friday night. So we pulled out our VHS tape and recorded it that night at fast speed so the 3-hour movie would fit on our 2 hour tape. Our only vcr is in our 13-inch tv/vcr combo so Jimmy relocated the small tv to our coffee table (having to use an extension cord) so we would actually be able to see it. Because we only have tv antennae it was slightly fuzzy and for some reason every 2 minutes or so the sound would go out for a moment. (sidenote-the other day Hannah asked why Dad likes to watch fuzzy tv. Really, it's just the only option if we want to watch anything. I've never quite figured out how he ever knows the score in sports games because I can hardly see it). But we enjoyed the movie and were glad to be able to fast forward through all the commercials.

The entire idea behind that movie is interesting. After seeing the fancy-pants life he lived, and then seeing him as a dad and how his perspective changes, I thought about my own perspective. With all the craziness that happens in a household with kids ... to the thousands of kid drawings hung on the fridge or walls, I wonder if I appreciate all the good things and joys that come with family life. Sometimes I get stuck in the daily grind and forget that this is the life I always wanted. I never cared about having a million-$-career or living in the big city. I always just wanted to be a mom and have kids and a husband who loved me.

Anyhoo... today I'm grateful for my family and that even if our life is wacky, it is a blessed life. (said the mother of the little boy who just came for a snuggle with dried boogies smeared on his face)


Mary said...

I love that you recorded the movie on VHS. That is pretty classic Heather! Oh, how DVR would change your life. It's probably for the best because you don't waste away in front of the tv like we do. Oh how I love that. Tea Leoni is WAY cute in that show. I sometimes pretend that I'm her. What a great post!!

Amy D. said...

Funny way to get your tv! We really like that show, too and the perspective check. Yep, totally great post!

Carol said...

Isn't that movie great?? Such a good reminder of what we really want in life, huh? Love your '80's comparison!! You're cute, Heather.

Alison said...

Dave and I were just talking last night about his family's old TV that we watched General Conference on when we were dating and it gave everyone cone heads. And I love fast-forwarding through commercials! How did we ever live before that?

Jan said...

We are still waiting to catch up with the rest of the world here too. We still use VHS to record things, we dream about owning a DVR. Here hoping we get done with school someday, so we can afford these simple luxeries. We watched some of "The Family Man" too, it helped me remember that I am happy were I am in life. Despite the growing student loan debt.