Sunday, November 25, 2007

Shhh, don't tell the kids...

about some Christmas surprises coming up. I'm almost all ready for Christmas and am excited to wrap up the gifts this week.

Jimmy and I decided the kids would never know if we took a sneak-peak at the movie we got for the family - Ratatouille. Interesting film it was. I don't know that it will keep Abe's attention, but Pixar always has a clever take with their films. To really enjoy the film, I'd say you have to put yourself in the rat's place or else you'd be too ubber-goobered out by the idea of a rat in anyone's kitchen. All that night I was dreaming about Jimmy and I running a restaurant and us cooking meal after meal after meal. How tiring a dream is that!

And I'm excited about this cute nativity set from Blossom Bucket that I got from Deseret Book. It has 12 pieces and I'm going to wrap all the pieces individually for the kids to open on the 12 days before Christmas. I thought it might be a fun thing for them to do with Grandma Smith the week I'm in the hospital. Hopefully all the chaos with having this baby and our move won't distract from the Spirit and Joy and special meaning of Christmas. Hannah is already planning on how to stay awake so she can spy Santa delivering the presents. I love the Christmas Season with all the jolly music and cheer!


shauna said...

Good idea with the nativity! You are so creative. My mom got us Ratatouille for Christmas, i haven't watched it yet...looking forward to it.

Amy D. said...

Oh-ee! I love the nativity and your idea. It will be special to have a new baby around during Christmas.

Carol said...

What a creative idea for the 12 days of Christmas!! I love it! Isn't it fun getting ready for the holiday . . . thinking of what to do for others? Nice planning Heather!

Megan said...

I love nativities. Do you have the scriptures that go with each piece as they unwrap it? If not email me and I will email it to you. It looks like you are going to have a fun Christmas.

Alison said...

If Megan emails you the scriptures to go with each piece I would love that too! What a wonderful idea. Please let me know! That is a darling Nativity. I'll have to look for it at Deseret Book. We had one the last couple years that had little 1 inch high figures and the kids loved playing with it. We got it out this year and Baby Jesus and Joseph were missing. How sad. So I need to get another fun one for kids that I don't mind them using. And we haven't seen Ratatoulli yet, but that's the great thing about kids - they don't know if something's been opened or not. :)

Jan said...

I like your nativity idea. I could have used this a week ago. I bought my kids a Little People Nativity set and just gave it to them to play with, I should have been more creative. They are loving it though.

Marne said...

Great ideas Heather! Good luck with the upcoming baby.