Friday, November 30, 2007

Hopefully there's still hope for me!

This is MY reminder today of something we have lacked in our home this week... peace amidst the turmoil. I'm glad that Heavenly Father gives us multiple chances to repair our mood and actions and still has hope in us. For there is always hope!


Mary said...

Yea! You are alive after all!! I was starting to worry. The peace thing is a tough one to keep around at all times. I'm currently on an eternal quest to find lasting peace and patience. You can join me if you'd like.

Mary said...

Oh, your new blog look is very festive too!

Jolene said...

Great quote. I needed this reminder. I like your new look too. Do you make and design your papers?

Alison said...

What a wonderful quote. Thank you Heather! I printed it out (you always make them look so nice) and am going to hang it up where I can read it everyday.

Andrea said...

I have been a little out of touch. I guess having a baby will do that. :) I'm so excited for you to be joining the club soon! Congratulations on Jimmy's new job and moving west. That will be just wonderful. However, even though we haven't met yet, I feel sad you are moving farther away from Indiana! I guess Amy is close now. I love reading your blog and my sister mentioned that she has enjoyed your blog as well.

I wish you the best with the baby, move, and new beginnings. It will be an adventure!

Karri said...

Great quote! I love it. I love your new blog. It's so festive. I asked Santa for photoshop, so hopefully I can start to do fun things like you.

Marne said...

LOVE that quote Heather! And I like your new blog designs too. I have Photoshop Elements 5, but I haven't done much with it yet. That is one of my goals for the new year.

Jan said...

I like the new look of your blog. We need more peace in our family as well. Thanks for this great quote. I hope we all have a more peaceful week this week.