Sunday, December 02, 2007

Let the Festivities Begin

Wow - it's already December. 2007 sure flew by. To head into the Christmas season we started our count-down for our baby (Dec 18 @ 7:30 a.m. is my scheduled c-section) and Christmas and our move to Utah (1st week in January). Creating this count-down chain required a little more patience than I anticipated since Hannah wanted to write the numbers and Abe insisted on dispensing each piece of tape all by himself. But eventually we finished and the kids think it a fun thing to get to rip one off each day.Then we decided to pull out our 2x4 board to measure the kids height. Abe is only one inch shorter than Hannah. They were making funny faces trying to stand tall without being on their tiptoes. In other news: Three different people came to look at our house yesterday. We are still hoping for our Christmas miracle that our house can sell before we have to move. Miracles do happen so we'll just hope that this is one the Lord has in store for us.

Our kids have a fun month planned at preschool. Hannah is celebrating Christmas around the world, focusing on the traditions in Mexico, France, and Germany. Abe gets to decorate gingerbread men and learn some Christmas songs. They present a Christmas program on the 19th so perhaps Jimmy and Grandma Smith (who will be here helping with the kids while I'm at the hospital) will be able to see them perform. It can be their last big hurrah to end their fun time at preschool.


Marne said...

Good luck with your C-section! 2007did fly by...I can't believe my youngest will be two on the 20th. How is that possible? Your kids are adorable!

Marne said...

Good luck with your C-section! 2007did fly by...I can't believe my youngest will be two on the 20th. How is that possible? Your kids are adorable!

shauna said...

Wow, things are really wrapping up, culminating, and starting anew... it's all so sad, exciting, and wonderful... there are so many emotions I don't know what to do /think/say. Ah!

Love you guys!

Jan said...

You have a big month ahead of you. Good luck with everything. I can't wait to see pictures of your new baby boy.

Angie said...

Good luck preparing for everything, try not to wear yourself out! I'll keep you in our prayers that everything will go smoothly and your house will sell! Good luck!!!

Jolene said...

What a busy month. Good luck with everything. Can't wait to see your baby.
We made a Christmas count down chain too. It was needed, because Heidi kept if it was Christmas yet. The chain gives her a visual of when Christmas will be.

Alison said...

Very cute stockings Heath! I need to make cute stockings for our family. And I feel so guilty for not having a measuring stick for my kids. It's always something I've wanted to start and I think about but never do. Now they're so old. I'm glad you do that! Good luck with your crazy month! One day you will look back and wonder how you did all you did! You're amazing!