Monday, May 14, 2007

The Lotion Escapades

Today is just not the best mothering day for me. I won't bore you with all the details but I suppose the highlight of the day was Abe coming to me during quiet time saying he was all wet. Then he showed me the pink lotion he had smeared all over himself, his clothes, and splotched on the carpet. I suppose it's my fault for not following the directions to 'keep out of reach of children'. While I was steamvacuuming his room (which, by the way, is a very handy piece of equipment to have with toddlers), Abe was sticking his fingers in my piece of cake licking the cool whip off. That Abe! P.S. Never let a 2-year-old drink out of your water bottle after he's eaten any type of cracker!


Carol said...

Bummer. Big bummer, Heath. I'm sorry. Hate those days! Seems like your stuff isn't sacred anymore after having kids, huh? I could just imagine those floaties in your water bottle. Hang in there!

Mary said...

Oh I'm sorry Heather. What a mess. My friends daughter did this with a full tube of Neosporin the other day. I thought she had nose residue in her hair, but it was just a glob of the Neosporin. Ha! Classic fingers in the cake too while you are cleaning. I think this was his master plan :).

Carol said...

The bright side . . . Abe won't have dry, flaky skin for a month. He'll be the softest little boy ever! (completely joking here! thought you may be able to laugh about it at this point)

elizabeth said...

I can totally sympathize (i don't know how to spell right now). Timothy did this with a whole can of Bag Balm the other day. It was nasty. Instead of having to deal with another mess when I was done cleaning, I just locked the kids in their room while I cleaned up the mess. Yes I am a mean mom, and yes I do have the lock turned around so I can lock them in. Good luck Heather.

Alison said...

Heather! So sorry about the lotion! What a mess. Kyler and Lexi did that a couple years ago with a whole tube of desitin. I can empathize. Things like that are so hard to get out of clothes, carpet, etc! I really need to get a steam vac. I'm so glad you have one! I'm sure it comes in very handy, probably more often than you would like!

And your water bottle comment made me laugh! :) Too true!!!

Amy D. said...

You gave us enough clues to know that this was definitely one of those days! Whew! What a bunch of toddler things to document :) (oh, and at least the lotion wasn't nail polish!)