Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend Adventures

Yesterday our family went on an adventure to Mud Island River Park. We walked across a 1/2 mile bridge to get to the island. Once there the kids waded through a miniature replica of the Mississippi River (thankfully not as muddy as the real Mississippi). They had a great time!Here is one of the Mississippi river Barges. Later Abe told Grandma about the 'ocean' we went to. We were actually amazed he knew that word.
Later when Jimmy was at church meetings, we played outside and hosed down the back patio. Abe assisted by carefully spraying the mat, the grass, and his mother with the camera.
Jimmy came up with the sweet idea to buy me a rose plant for Mother's Day. It is yellow with pink tips. We hope I can keep it alive!! We heard here in Memphis, this type of rose bush is easy to take care of, so we shall see how this gardener does.
Today was a fine Sunday. I decided to make rhodes dinner rolls in muffin tins. I cut each roll in half and then put 3 pieces in each muffin tin. The only problem was that they rose way too long. You'd think with a 3-hour church that it would be perfect. But it takes 20 minutes to drive there. 3 hours in meetings, then chatting, then Jimmy teaches a literacy lesson, and then a 20 minute drive home means the rolls were gigantic. Hannah declared she had never seen rolls that fluffy. Jimmy grilled us some steak. And tonight we are going to enjoy vanilla cake with raspberry pie filling with whip cream on top. Hannah was sweet to wish me Happy Mother's Day all day long "because I just love you so much Mom." Happy day to y'all!


Angie said...

What a fun Mother's day weekend! It sounds like you take your kids to see fun places alot, what a great mom you are. Good luck with your rose plant, I got one for Valentines day and immediately started killing it (I have what they call the gange green thumb). Matt had to step in and take over. It is doing great now! So Cute!

Amy D. said...

What a great time. That's-a making the most of where you live! And your treats sounded great!