Sunday, April 01, 2007

Quaker Duck & Grandpa Nelson

Thanks to Carol for emailing a few family heritage photos this weekend. I thought even though our fam has seen these, the cousins might enjoy them. These are 3 of my favorites of Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. This 1st one is awesome because Grandma took a ride with dad on his motorcycle. Lovin' it!! And I love this picture too because it shows Joey on the dreaded bike that I think Amy broke her leg on. And the Wilding's sheep in the background is a fun Sugar City memory. This driveway has a lot of memories too... searching for lost contacts for hours, jumping on the pogo-stick...all sorts of fun.
Now anyone who knew Larry must have thought him extra patient to have us grandkids messin' with his hair and doing it in all sorts of crazy hairdo's. What fun memories!
This last one I had to add because it is just soooo Grandpa. One thing I loved about Grandpa was that he was so friendly to everyone. He could make friends with any stranger in about 5 minutes. We miss you Ruth and Larry!


Angie said...

I love these photos! I can't believe that is Grandma on that motorcycle. Oh it is so good to see pictures of the two of them. I sure miss them. They were great grandparents.

Jolene said...

These are great pictures of Grandma and Grandpa. I love the one of Grandma on the motorcycle. What fun memories. They were the best.

Alison said...

What fun pictures. Old pictures are so funny when everyone was in style but it's so funny to look back on. I love Joey's bike, those were so hard to ride. And the Wilding's sheep, so fun to remember. And looking for contacts, it seemed we looked for your contacts on quite a few different driveways! The one of you leaning on your grandpa's shoulder with q-tips in his hair was so cute. I bet Hannah loves to see you when you're her age. So cute!