Saturday, March 31, 2007

Rainy Day

Today we had a downpour of rain. Everything is turning green. Yay! This is a panoramic view of our backyard. After Conference I was able to go outside for a few brief moments and enjoy some welcome silence and fresh humid air. It was lovely to sit and hear the birds chirp and enjoy the moment of Spring. Spring only lasts about 1 month here so we better not blink or we'll miss it.


Andrea said...

What a beautiful picture! Things are starting to turn green here too. It was funny that you had daffodils weeks ago! Ours are just starting to bloom.

I've really enjoyed all the nice pages you have created with the inspirational quotes! Sometimes I pick one and put it on my desktop. I hope that's okay. :) I always give you credit if someone asks. :) They are great!

{B}dreamy said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Just had to add that... :)

Alison said...

What a beautiful yard. I am soooo jealous! I could send you some pictures of our snow and mud. I'm proud of your panoramic shot!