Thursday, April 05, 2007


Since I've been attempting to eat fewer treats such as chocolate (which, by the way is very hard for me), I've been trying to find other snacks that at least have some health value. I found these FruitaBu organic Smoooshed Fruit Twirls in Strawberry, Grape, and Apple at Costco. Realizing that dried fruit still has a bunch of natural sugars, I don't eat them all day long, but I think they are tasty. I also bought some dried fruit and nut mix at Costco upon Jolene's recommendation. So - I'm surviving my no chocolate time. I've done pretty well exercising on most days which is a great stress reliever. In other news: took Abe to the speech therapist today for his first appointment. We'll see how his homework assignments go. And though today is a day I'd rather just start over, I suppose we can look on the bright side that we have sunshine and a new flower that bloomed in our front yard.


Carol said...

I'm so impressed that you're trying to cut back on chocolate, Heather. That is so hard. The fruit is a great idea! Looks good!

Jolene said...

Those FrutaBu Organic Smoooshed Fruit sounds so good. Way to go on your no chocolate. Sounds like you are doing well, even if it isn't easy.

Alison said...

The picture you have with this post is making me crave strawberries. Mmm! I would love to find the FruitaBu's at Broulims, I'll have to look! Great job on no chocolate - you're doing a lot better than me! And I just have to say I love the picture of Abe at the top of your blog in his superman cape! Great photo Heath!

Amy D. said...

You do great on snack ideas. And a big thumbs up on the exercise!