Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Reality & Shining Moments

Now hopefully you won't think me a bad mama for taking a picture of Mr. Abe when he is in tears. But honestly, for a good part of the day, this is reality with toddlers. I quickly took the picture and then gave him loves. If you click on it, you can see the big tear pouring out of his eye. Sadness! Why was he sad, you may ask? Well, wouldn't you cry too if your sister and dad were playing and you wanted to be the leader. Abe's shining moment today was actually falling asleep while watching a movie - one of those things that I don't think has ever happened before. Thank you to Hannah who got him his pillow and blanket and made him all comfy cozy.

And isn't this a pleasant little face? And why was Miss Hannah so happy today? Well, she has finally learned how to pump really well on the swing so that she can just keep going and going and going without a push from mom and dad. What a joyful thing for all of us. Definitely a shining moment to applaud.

This was the game of 'Follow the Leader.' See the joy on Abe's face? Now isn't that a happy camper? (Of course he was the leader at this point)

Other shining moments today: spying 4 lady bugs in the grass and seeing the sliver of a moon and a star at sunset(reason for Abe to jump up and down with glee). Do you like our weed too in the photo? Nice one, eh? Weeds and pollen are not our friends lately. My allergies are coming full force early this year. Aaakkk!

And last of all...I was a wee bit teary this morning when I saw this on my friend's blog...so here it is to share with the few people who happen to be reading this blog:
“God bless you, mothers. When all the victories and defeats of men’s efforts are tallied, when the dust of life’s battles begins to settle, when all for which we labor so hard in this world of conquest fades before our eyes, you will be there, you must be there, as the strength for a new generation, the ever-improving onward movement of the race.” President Gordon B. Hinckley (Oct 2006 General Conference)

And I thought about all my friends who are mamas. Who fight the fight every day that is motherhood - the selflessness and sacrifice and, frankly, occassionally mind-numbing life that comes to you with your kids. But now and then I get the glimpse as the dust settles for a few minutes, and see a little more clearly, with a little more perspective, how critical, this often thankless job is. And how very fulfilling. I love that mamas are the strength for the new generation. We teach them how to be people, how to be citizens of the world, and how not to throw whole bowls of macaroni and cheese onto the floor. You know, life skills. :) Jessica Sprague


Mary said...

Ahhh, thank you for your refreshing honesty!!! Too many times I think we try to hide our hard moments from others and just let our shining moments show. It's just not reality. This is a true glimpse of motherhood, both bad and the sweet and the fun. Excellent post Heather!

Amy D. said...

Well this it how it is! The best post award! Beautiful photos and children. Your grass is getting green and your trees have leaves growing--SPRING! Thanks for the thoughts on mothers--nice and encouraging.