Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Feet in Swedish Moccasins

This perhaps is a silly thing to blog, but tonight I was just remembering my friend Shauna's little girl Marissa and her cute little striped swedish moccasins. They are leather on the bottom but like a sock on top and they can be thrown in the wash and are nonslip. So they can be worn outdoors but are comfy cozy. Here are 2 links: Hanna Anderson (what a darling website) & Nowali These happy feet brought a smile to my face!


Jolene said...

These are really cool. I think I need some. A sock with a sole that is just what I need. I hate wearing socks with out shoes because they always get crumbs and stuff stuck to them, so I usually end up not wearing socks around the house. But I need to because I am always cold.

Amy D. said...

Aren't these the coolest!