Saturday, March 17, 2007

Purple Joy!

Now isn't this a happy sight. Jimmy and Abe went outside for a moment and Abe came in and handed me these tinsy little purple flowers. I'm sure Jimmy helped him come up with the idea, but I thought it was so sweet to have Abe with his chubby little fingers bring me a tiny flower. And I think the flower came from all the clover that is growing in our lawn but isn't that festive for St. Patrick's day! Poor little Abe has had a never-ending cough that just sparked itself again this week. May he recuperate soon or learn to cover his mouth when he coughs! Both the boys got haircuts today. Jimmy did a much better job on Abe than I did on Jimmy. Someday I may learn how to cut it right.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Pretty flowers! Sweet boys!