Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy Green Day!

Jimmy and I were discussing St. Patrick's day as originating as a Catholic holiday but that it has really been turned into a Secular holiday. But I thought it would be interesting to read about the history. This is the Wikipedia version. Abe insisted on wearing his red shirt instead of the suggested green. And Hannah's only green outfit was capris which would make her too chilly as it is 32 degrees this morning. Not that wearing green matters but I remember when we were little it was always fun to try to catch people NOT wearing green. Dad always seemed to have green stitched seams on his socks so we could never pinch him. I also remember spending hours searching for 4-leaf clovers. I eventually found a few. Oh - happy memories! On the Ipod we're going with some Irish groups such as U2 and Enya. And here'a a link to footage from Celtic Woman (the never-ending special on PBS). The Dancing Fiddle Player is pretty crazy but talented. Happy St. Patty's day to you.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Happy St. Patty's Day to you too Heather! I'm bummed that I forgot to buy Lucky Charms for breakfast. Annalise is wearing olive green shorts with a shirt that has bright green leaves on it. Nice. It might get up to 60 today here though, so she's not too far off. Enjoy the day. Are you making green mashed potatoes?