Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lock & Lock

These containers are part of my new organization strategy for my kitchen cupboards. I bought a few in different sizes to store items that come in bags that always make a mess of the cupboards - like seasoning packets, candies, and even my jellos that always seem to topple. I especially like the one with 2 compartments to put my dark chocolate Hershey Truffles and dark chocolate Milky Ways in. Here's to see-through air-tight containers!

Any why is it that almost never fail every morning as soon as I sit down to eat my breakfast, Abe is insistent that he needs something? He can be playing quietly by himself for 30 minutes but the moment I sit down to eat, he is instantly hungry. Sigh...


Mary said...

Heather, these containers look great. Good organizing thoughts! Okay, so I totally agree with you on the whole can't eat breakfast EVER for 2 minutes alone. They always ask right after you pour the milk in chex or something that gets soggy in less than 30 seconds. Bummer!

Amy D. said...

I love the containers--great for the south and food :). I want to come to your house for snacks!!! And sigh, is right. Even when they are teenagers they do that to the mom when she starts eating!! We have got to train them better. At least now when I point out that they are eating and I haven't even started yet and that they are perfectly capable of getting more milk or whatever themselves, they usually say, Oh, okay, sorry Mom. Sigh.