Friday, March 23, 2007

Here we have Idaho!

When I read Amy's blog about the mountain blue bird I was instantly taken back to my 4th grade Idaho History program. The Idaho State Song came to mind and it just started making me think about why I liked growing up in Idaho. So I made these little pages for my personal history album. Kind of silly and unique, but all part of my life. I suppose I could make a page of the things that aren't the best about Idaho - like the wind, but overall, Idaho was a sa-weet place to grow up.

In other news: Now that Abe is on the mend, Miss Hannah has the fever and cough. She is going to have to miss a Princess party she was invited to. Sadness for a 4 year old. She was looking forward to dressing up like a princess.

The other day Hannah said to me, "Mom, you are the best mom. I think I'll keep you forever." and then she gave me a hug. And tonight she was really impressed with my spreading skills in folding a quilt. Gotta love when kids think you're cool for folding a quilt tidy.

Jimmy mowed our grass/weeds tonight. Thanks hon! And I sprayed the lawn with bug killer so that hopefully we can zap those insects who were thinking of mating this spring. Yes! Happy weekend to y'all!


Mary said...

Oh Heather. I loved this post too. You look so cute in that picture in the field. Hannah sounds like such a sweetheart. I really think her and Lise would be such good friends. Sad about her princess party. She can come have one with Kait who loves all things princess. Hope she feels better soon. Long comment. Sorry.

Jolene said...

I agree the picture of you in the field is very cute. I have a lot of great memories of Idaho from living at Ricks and the many visits to your family's home. I loved it. Rexburg has a great spirit about it. You can't find anywhere else.

Alison said...

I loved the picture of you in the field. Is it the field that was by your house at the end of the road? I remember standing out by that field many nights after mutual talking about all our hopes and dreams! :)

Alison said...

P.S. I also loved that Jimmy mowed your lawn. You don't know how jealous I am that you have a yard, and it's warm enough to mow it. We are hoping it doesn't snow again this spring. I would love to trade you places. :) And cute Hannah. I'm sorry she's sick. It would be fun for she and Lexi to have a dress up princess play-day. If only Collierville and Victor were a little closer!