Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Red Sunday

Today was a RED Sunday. Here's why:
1. Abe came home from nursery with something RED dribbled all down the front of his new white shirt. We put in a request that Abe not be served RED food at nursery because inevitably he would drool or spill anything that would stain.
2. On the drive home Hannah took out her scriptures and told us that they learned about marking special scriptures in Primary. She had colored half a column of scripture quite tidy for a 4-year-old. Her teacher had given her a RED coloring pencil to color some verses. The only thing is that because Hannah couldn't find her scriptures as we were rushing out the door, I let her borrow my little blue Book of Mormon. And though it isn't a big deal really, I think perhaps it would be beter for kids to be able to read before they start marking verses.
3. Pizza is RED...which was our simple meal today. Pizza on Sunday??...sure, why not?!? Not our usual Sunday meal, but easy to prepare.
4. It's hot here. Poor Abe was quite RED and sweaty in sacrament meeting. We've turned our A/C on already this spring mostly because it gets sticky with the humidity. We're in for a hot summer I'm thinkin'. Aaaaaahhh!

Hannah's Famous Quotes:Because Hannah felt sad that we wouldn't let her color/mark in her scriptures she had a mournful half hour. She said "I've never had such a sad day." And I asked her why she was so sad. She said, "Because I'm not old enough to read. Growing up is hard." To which I replied that even though growing up is hard at least we have our family and friends and Jesus to love us and help us through. And yes indeed, Hannah is dramatic. But she is cute nontheless.
Yesterday when she and I were walking through the Target parking lot, she was talking, talking, talking as usual and then she said, "Big or small, everyone can make a difference." Doesn't that sound like something you'd hear on PBS. But I thought that it was cute that she is pondering these positive statements.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I love Hannah. She is so cute! All her comments make me laugh. I think it's so cute that she learned how to color scriptures - think when she is all grown up and you are reading the page one day that she colored when she was 4, and I bet you'll love it. How sweet. I love that you had a RED day - I have to add one to your list: Yesterday at church Porter was so WILD, and wouldn't sit still during sacrament meeting - he crawled all over under the benches, we couldn't hang on to him! All of a sudden he got away and ran up to the front and sat down in the chairs next to the Bishopric during one man's wonderful heartfelt testimony - and Dave's face was bright RED when he went up to get him and carried him screaming out the doors. Poor Dave. And dontcha love nursery leaders for giving Abe something red to dribble on his white shirt. Gotta love it!