Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Healthy Snacks

I've decided to do an experiment/challenge for the next 2 weeks. I'm going to say 'no, no, no' to junk and 'yes, yes, yes' to healthy snacks. I really need to jumpstart living healthy and exercising regularly. So - remember all those yummy chocolates I adore - well, no more for the next 2 weeks. And I'm dedicating myself to healthy snacks and exercise every day. And then after 2 weeks we'll see how much lighter and healthier I feel. I admire my dad who went for an entire year - yep AN ENTIRE YEAR - without eating chocolate. And if you know my dad who loves Dark Chocolate (and passed that onto this daughter), that is an incredible task. So - here's to healthy snacks and daily exercise!


Jolene said...

WOW!!! You are good. I am trying to eat healthier, but I think if I tried to cut the sweets altogether I would want them more. Hummm, That sounds a little addictive, but I really have gotten better about eating sweets. And the exercise thing, I need to that too. Chasing kids doesn't count. If you don't mind me asking, what will your method of exercising be? Just for ideas.

Alison said...

Hey Heath, I was totally trying to stop treats since we chatted on Tuesday, but I ate brownies yesterday. So, today I'm starting again. I'll try to do it for 2 weeks also, and also the exercise. Thanks for the motivation! That's what friends are for.

Amy D. said...

Go for it! She said as she ate another piece of chocolate cake from Alison's blog...