Monday, March 26, 2007

Fanny's Dream

This children's book, Fanny's Dream by Caralyn Bhuehner, that my roommate Stephanie introduced to me in college is one of my favorites. Here's the synopsis:
Fanny Agnes is a sturdy farm girl who has a bit of the Cinderella in her and on the night of the mayor's ball goes out to the garden to wait for her fairy godmother. She foresees marrying a prince but instead, Heber Jensen comes a-courtin' and although Fanny dithers and declares she won't do windows, she shucks her princely dreams to throw in her lot with humble Heber. It's a hard life, but she gets treated like a princess in ways she never imagined. They share a life filled with ups and downs, babies, laughter, and love. Finally, when the fairy godmother arrives (several years late), Fanny Agnes has discovered that she doesn't need her anymore because she's found her prince - Heber Jensen.
I think my favorite quote is this:
"We-ell-ll, Fanny," said Heber slowly, "I'm not a prince and I don't live in a castle. But I have one hundred and sixty acres, a little log house, and dreams of my own. I need a wife who will work by my side, through thick and thin, sweat and joy, and be glad for good food and great company. Will you, Fanny?"

I just plain like this book and it brings a smile to my face when I read it. And I love that even though Fanny and Heber had hardships (like their house burning down), they made the best of the situation and kept-a-goin' together. It's a great book to check out from the library if you haven't read it. Plus with names like Fanny and Heber you really can't go wrong reading it just once!!


Alison said...

What a cute book! We'll definately have to check it out (hopefully our library has it!) :)

Amy D. said...

We totally love this book!!! It's the Cinderella story I relate to. Alison can borrow ours!