Monday, March 26, 2007

General YW Meeting

The General Young Women's Meeting was Saturday and I watched it on It was sweet to hear the young women sing so lovely. And the messages were of course so positive and uplifting. Such a feel-good type of meeting. These 2 scriptures were mentioned and stood out to me.
I love that they focused not on the absence of trials in our life but that Christ can lift us up in our daily struggles. President Hinckley shared a recipe to ensure Happiness. As simple as it was, I realized that when we sincerely do these 4 things, that other important things will fall into place. Here they are:
1. Pray often
2. Study the scriptures
3. Pay tithing
4. Attend your church meetings.
The other thing I liked that he said was, "Don't just let the days come and go without improvement in your life." He was referring to education and learning new things. I like that thought. And the most jubilant part was watching the chorister lead everyone in 'As Zion's Youth'. She sure was enthusiastic. But what a neat experience to lead everyone in the Conference Center...not a job I'd ask for but cool for her. (oh - and I love these new paintings by Del Parson that I put with the scriptures. Aren't they sweet!)


Jolene said...

Don't you just love President Hinckley. His solutions in life are so simple. I am so excited to watch conference this weekend.

Alison said...

Oh, Heath, you are so wonderful. Thanks for the uplifting thoughts. I love the list from Pres. Hinckley, such simple things but they do make a huge difference. Like compound interest, as you do it everyday it builds upon the day before and gets greater and greater. Love that!

Amy D. said...

I love the part about not letting the days go by without some improvement. Even the smallest thing can make me feel like my day or efforts are worthwhile. Thanks for summarizing...