Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Adventures of a Boy & his Bike

Not much blogging going on this week from this gal. I've been a busy little mama with projects to finish and children to spank - oh, I mean hug! Last week was such a funny week with the kids and though this week hasn't been horrible, I'm afraid my patience is wearing thin due to excessive whining from a certain 4-year-old and a certain 2-year-old. But we have had beautiful weather here. Today after going to the dentist (proud to report no new cavities), the kids and I ran some errands, went to the park for a moment, and had some time at the outdoor mall at the fountain. Hannah always throws her penny in and wishes that "my family will always be happy." Sweetness! After nap/quiet time we headed outside to enjoy the fine temperatures. I quite chuckled as the kids rode around in circles and upon passing me yelled, "hi mom" every time. I'm sure these pictures don't do Abe's adventures justice, but this little bundle of energy is pretty funny to watch on his bike.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Love the "action"! What a fun time for the kids. Life is one adventure after another...